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Coming Soon! Game Update 9: Assemble For Battle!


In Game Update 9, Heroes and Villains from all walks of life will have more opportunities than ever before to get in on the action. Group up faster with Role Optional Alerts and, once you're grouped, get more done in Novice Raids. Game Update 9: Assemble for Battle has something for everyone.

Novice Raids

Ever feel like raids are just a little bit out of your reach, a little bit too punishing, a little bit too strong?

If you do, Game Update 9 will introduce Novice Raids just for players at your gear or skill level, including all three Fortress of Solitude, the Batcave, and the Kahndaq raids. These raids will still come with the same epic storylines and all the action that their counterparts do, but Novice Raids will be slightly more forgiving for players still looking to make their mark on the world. They will also come with the same kinds of rewards – though not the same quantities of them – so you can continue to work on gearing and growing your characters.

Role Optional Alerts

If you're not interested in Novice Raids, you will probably be interested in faster queue times in Alerts. We've analyzed carefully how long players of certain roles were waiting in queues compared to others and, in the effort of fairness, have come up with a solution. Role Optional Alerts will allow you to queue and form groups with any combination of roles.

Team Buff

Now, you may be wondering just what your group of three Damage characters and a Controller is going to do for heals when Doomsday starts beating on you, and the answer is the Team Buff. When grouped in a non-optimal role combination, you'll receive a buff to help make up for what you're lacking, as long you stay together.

  • If you don't have a Tank, everyone will take less damage overall. That doesn't mean you're all tanks – you'll have to work together to survive – but you'll have a fighting chance.
  • If you don't have a Healer, any Controller or Damage character will trigger a small amount of regeneration when your health dips below a certain point. If you're a Tank, you'll always have some regeneration.
  • If you don't have a Controller, everyone will get varying amounts of additional power periodically.

Remember, though, this is a Team Buff. You will need to stay together and work together to take advantage.

Get ready! Game Update 9: Assemble for Battle is coming soon to a Brainiac-infested city near you.

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